========= Reference ========= .. currentmodule:: appconf .. class:: AppConf A representation of a template tag. For example:: class MyAppConf(AppConf): SETTING_1 = "one" SETTING_2 = ( "two", ) .. method:: configure_*(value) Method for each of the app settings for custom configuration which gets the value passed of the class attribute or the appropriate override value of the :attr:`~appconf.AppConf.Meta.holder` settings, e.g.:: class MyAppConf(AppConf): DEPLOYMENT_MODE = "dev" def configure_deployment_mode(self, value): if on_production(): value = "prod" return value The method **must return** the value to be use for the setting in question. .. automethod:: configure .. autoattribute:: configured_data The dictionary attribute which can be used to do any further custom configuration handling in the :meth:`~appconf.AppConf.configure` method, e.g. if multiple settings depend on each other. .. class:: AppConf.Meta An ``AppConf`` takes options via a ``Meta`` inner class:: class MyAppConf(AppConf): SETTING_1 = "one" SETTING_2 = ( "two", ) class Meta: proxy = False prefix = 'myapp' required = ['SETTING_3', 'SETTING_4'] holder = 'django.conf.settings' .. attribute:: prefix Explicitly choose a prefix for all settings handled by the ``AppConf`` class. If not given, the prefix will be the capitalized class module name. For example, ``acme`` would turn into settings like ``ACME_SETTING_1``. .. attribute:: required A list of settings that must be defined. If any of the specified settings are not defined, ``ImproperlyConfigured`` will be raised. .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. attribute:: holder The global settings holder to use when looking for overrides and when setting the configured values. Defaults to ``'django.conf.settings'``. .. attribute:: proxy A boolean, if set to ``True`` will enable proxying attribute access to the :attr:`~appconf.AppConf.Meta.holder`.